America appearance. History of the United States. European colonization of America

First Americans

According to one of theories, the first people appeared in America 10-15 thousand years ago, hitting the Alaska through the fruitless or crushed Bering Strait. The tribes of the mainland North America were separated and periodically bent each other. Famous Icelandic Viking Leif Ericsson opened America, calling her Wellands. The first visits to America by Europeans did not affect the life of the indigenous population.

The opening of America by Europeans

After the Vikings, the first Europeans in the new world were Spaniards. In October, the Spanish Expedition under the leadership of Admiral Christopher Columbus arrived on San Salvador Island. At the end of the XV - early XVI century. There were several expeditions to the regions of the Western Hemisphere. Standing in the service of the English king Heinrich VII Italian Giovanni Cabot got to the coast of Canada (1497-1498), Portuguese Pedro Alvaren Kabral opened Brazil (1500-1501), Spaniard Vasco Nunese de Balboa founded the first city on American mainland and came out To the Pacific Ocean (1500-1513), which consisted of the service from the Spanish king Fernan Magellan in 1519-1521. Heated America from the south.

In 1507, Larring Geogrant Martin Waldzemueller offered to refer to the new World of America in honor of the Florentine Mariety of Amerigo Vespucci. At the same time, the development of the mainland began. In 1513, Spanish Conquistor Juan Ponce De Leon opened the Florida Peninsula, where the first constant European colony emerged and the city of Saint Oghastin was laid. In the late 1530s, Hernando de Soto opened Mississippi and reached the Valley of the Arkansas River.

By the time, the colonization of America by the British and the French began, the Spaniards had already firmly settled in Florida and in the American southwest. The power and influence of the Spaniards in the new light began to decline after the defeat in the Spanish invincible Armada. During the XVI century, information about new lands was collected, documentary sources were translated into many European languages.

Colonial period (1607-1775)

Colonization of America by the British (1607-1775)

The first English settlement in America appeared in 1607 in Virginia and got the name of Jamestown. The shopping post, founded by members of the crews of three English ships under the command of the captain of Newport, served simultaneously watching in the path of Spanish progress deep into the continent. In just a few years, Jamestown has become a thriving village thanks to the tobacco plantations laid there in 1609. Already by 1620, the population of the village was about 1,000 people. European immigrants manili into America rich natural resources Of the distant continent, and its remoteness from European religious dogmas and political addictions. The outcome of the new light was financed primarily by private companies and persons who received income from transporting goods and people. In 1606, London and Plymouth companies were formed in England, which engaged in the development of the northeastern coast of America. Many immigrants were moved into a new light with whole families and communities at their own expense. Despite the attractiveness of new lands, a constant lack of human resources was felt in the colonies.

Thirteen colonies

Over the course of 75 years after the appearance in 1607, 12 colonies, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, North Carolina, South Carolina appeared - New Chempshire Georgia.

In each colony, part of the population remained the loyal royal government, but loyalists did not have enough influence in order to control local authorities. Their actions have become the subject of attention from the local security committees created in accordance with the decisions of the first continental congress in 1774, which now performed the functions of the temporary executive bodies of the Congress in the field. The property of loyalists opposed the revolution was confiscated, and they themselves fled to protect the royal troops.

After the revolution, the remaining federal authorities were created as a result of the constitutional reform of 1786-1791.

Military course

Military actions began before the declaration of independence as a result of rigid pressure from the English army, who was trying to disarm the detachments of the local police and arrest the leaders of the colonists. Since the forces of the British Crown in America were not enough in America in order to take control of the whole territory of the colonies, and the armed troops of the colonists were even trying in August 1776 in New York landed big Army British. The detachments of the local police were crushed, and the army of Washington's army approached after several defeats was forced to retreat through New Jersey in Pennsylvania. The British kept the city of New York before the conclusion of a peace treaty 1783, turning it into his main support point in North America.

Following the retreating American troops, the British army invaded New Jersey, but here he was attacked by the army of General Washington, which was rearranged by this time and forced the Delaware River in Christmas night, in December 1776. The British were broken down during Trenton and Princeton and retreated back To New York.

The general plan of the British, developed in London, was to organize simultaneous offensive from Canada and on the Hudson River to capture Albany in 1777 and cut off the new England from the southern colonies. But the Canadian Army under the command of General Bergoyna suffered a defeat under Saratogue, and from New York, the Army of the British headed not to Albany, but to Philadelphia. As a result, the British survived under Saratogue were captured with the condition of repatriation to the UK, but the Continental Congress did not approve the conditions for their surrender, and the prisoners were imprisoned.

The victory of the colonists accelerated the introduction of France to the Union with the United States, which was concluded in 1778. Spain and the Netherlands were then joined to the Union, and a new global war began.

In the future, the British focused their strength on trying to capture the southern states. Having a limited contingent of troops, they made a bet on mobilizing loyalists. Such a tactic helped them to keep positions in the North-Western territories, despite the defeat of the Canadian troops when trying to step on Albany.

At the end of 1778, the British fleet landed the landing and captured the capital of Georgia, the city of Savannah. In 1780, Charleston was also taken in the same way. But those who gathered under the British banners of loyalists were not enough to promote deep into the country, and the British had to be satisfied with the control over the port cities. Further offensive in North Carolina and Virginia choked, the partisan war began in the occupied territories, and loyalists were interrupted.

Residues british army He went to the city of Yorktown, where they were going to plunge on the ships of the British fleet. But the fleet faced the Chesapeake Bay with the French fleet and retreated. The Troops of the British General Cornollys in October 1781 surrendered to General Washington in October 1781. When reports of this defeat reached the UK, the parliament decided to start peaceful negotiations with American rebels.

The formation of the American state (1783-1865)

Expansion (1783-1853)

Since the beginning of the XIX century, thousands of Americans left all the more densely populated east of the United States and went to the west of Mississippi, in a completely undeveloped region, called great plains. At the same time, residents of New England rushed into the rich Oregon rich in the forest, and the people from the southern states settled the expanses of Texas, New Mexico and California.

The main vehicle of these pioneer immigrants were harnessed by horses or bulls vans. The caravans of several dozen vans went on the road. In order to get from the Mississippi Valley to the coast of the Pacific Ocean, such a caravan was required for about six months.

Migrants. 1866

Louisiana Purchase (1803-1804)

Growth of the territory of the United States in 1800-10.

In 1803, thanks to the successful actions of American diplomats between the North American United States and France, a transaction was concluded, called the Louisiana purchase and allowed the states to almost double their territory. But the main achievement of this transaction for the United States of the time was to provide the Mississippi River, an important transport artery that was previously border River, Full disposition of American farmers and merchants.

Anglo-American War (1812-1815) and demarcation of borders with Canada

IN napoleonic wars The United States adhered to neutrality and tried to trade with all the warring parties, but also France, and the United Kingdom did not encourage trade with their opponents. After the defeat of the French fleet in the Trafalgar Battle (1805), the British fleet blocked American ports, trying to prevent Franco-American trade relations. Moreover, on their ships, the British still appealed to the Americans as with their rebellious subjects and forced sailors from the intercepted American vessels to the service in the Royal Fleet. In addition, the United Kingdom entered into an alliance with Indian tribes and supported their resistance to American expansion into Indian territories. In 1812, Congress announced England war. After heavy battles, which continued until 1815, the world was concluded, as a result of which the warring parties remained in the previous borders, but the United Kingdom refused the Union with the Indians who were the most affected party of the conflict. From the war, the United States came out with confidence in their abilities, in particular, thanks to the impressive victory in a decisive battle with the British under New Orleans.

Despite the end of hostilities, there are still many controversial issues between the US and the UK, including the boundaries between the United States and British Canada. To a large extent, they were settled during the post-war negotiations that ended with the conclusion of the Anglo-American Convention of 1818. Issues that remained not regulated, in particular, the status of the modern North-West USA were settled at the conclusion of the UEBSTER agreement - Ashberton 1842 and Oregon contract 1846

Adams-Once agreement (1819)

Main article: Adams Treaty - ONIS

In 1819, an agreement on the demarcation of the Spanish-American border in North America was also concluded, according to which Florida was part of the United States.

War due to rent (1839-1846)

Main article: Anti-Rent War

In the middle of the XIX century. A number of local civil wars were held in the United States who became a prelude to the crisis of American statehood and the civil war of 1861-1865. Among them in 1839-1846. There was a series of civil unrest and armed clashes in the state of New York. Local laws, which still existed in the period of Dutch domination, no longer complied with the US economic and political realities. In 1839, Albany's farmers were refused to pay a robbed rental fee for their opinion. The impetus to this was death on January 26, 1839 the largest landowner And the Vice-Governor of New York Stephen Wang Renselara. From protest rallies, farmers soon moved to pogroms. The state governor was forced to turn to the federal army to put an end to violence, but farmers had armed resistance and began in the state guerrilla War. In 1845, martial law was announced in the region. By 1846, the US government went on concessions and abolished the boal rental laws.

Oregon treaty

In April 1861, the first battle took place in South Carolina, during which the Armed Forces of the Confederation took control of the Fort Sumter, the military base of the federal army. Initially, the war was carried out with varying success and mainly in Virginia and Maryland. The fracture in it occurred in 1864, when Lincoln appointed Grant Ulysses commander-in-chief. The Army of Northerners under the command of William Sherman held a successful offensive from Tennessee to Atlanta, Georgia, breaking troops headed by Johnston and Hood Confederate General. During the famous "march to the sea", the Sherman army destroyed about 20% of all farms in Georgia and reached the Atlantic Ocean in Savannah in December 1864. The war ended with the army of General Lee in Virginia on April 9, 1865

Reconstruction and industrialization (1865-1890)

Reconstruction period after the end of the Civil War continued from 1877 years. At this time, the Constitution was made by the "reconstruction amendments", which expanded civil rights for Americans. These amendments include a thirteenth amendment that is outlawed out the fourteenth amendment, guaranteeing citizenship for all born or naturalized in the United States, and the fifteenth amendment that guarantees the right to vote for men of all races. In response to the reconstruction, a number of organizations of Yuzhan appeared, including Ku-Klux Clan, opposing the realization of the civil rights of the non-ferrous population. The federal army and the authorities who adopted, in particular, the Act about the Ku-Klux Clans of 1870, opposed violence from such organizations, who announced his terrorist organization. Nevertheless, in the Supreme Court "US AGAINST CRIKIKSHANK", the observance of civil rights of the population was assigned to the state authorities. The failures of the republican authorities aggravated the economic crisis of 1873. In the end, the republican governments lost support for the voters of the southern states, and democrats were returned to power, which did not restore slavement, but adopted discriminatory laws called Jim Crow's laws. In 1877, the participation of the army in public administration In the south, it was discontinued. As a result, African Americans became citizens of the second grade, and the racist principles of White excellence continued to dominate public opinion . The monopoly of the Democratic Party to power in the southern states continued after that until the 1960s.

Expansion of gold kits, farmers and owners of extensive ranches on the "Wild West" were accompanied by numerous conflicts with Indians. The last large-scale armed conflict of the White Americans with the indigenous population was the war for the Black Hills (1876-77), although individual clashes with small groups of the Indians continued until 1918.

By 1871, the US authorities came to the decision that the agreements with the Indians are no longer required and that no Indian people and no tribe should be considered as an independent people or the state. By 1880, as a result of a mass shot of American Bizon, almost his entire population disappeared, and the Indians lost the object of their primary fishery. The authorities forced the Indians to abandon the usual lifestyle and live only in reservations. Many Indians resisted this. One of the leaders who resisted the Washing Cat, the Chief of the Siou tribe. Siou caused American cavalry several stunning blows, won in the battle on the Little Big Horn River in 1876. But the Indians could not live in prairies without bison and hunger, they eventually submitted and moved to the reservation.

USA to the late XIX century

The end of the XIX century became the time of the powerful industrial development of the United States. "Gold-plated age," so dubbed this era of the classic of American literature Mark Twain. The most secured class of American society was bought in luxury, but did not forget about philanthropy, which Carnegie called the Gospel from Wealth, supporting thousands of colleges, hospitals, museums, academies, schools, theaters, libraries, orchestras and charitable societies. Only John Rockefeller donated over $ 500 million for charity, which amounted to more than half of its cumulative income. An unprecedented wave of immigrants brought in the US not only labor For the American industry, but also created a variety of national communities, inhabited by little western territories.

It is believed that the modern American economy was created in the "gilded century" era. In the 1870s and 1880s, both the economy as a whole and wages, wealth, the national product and capital in the United States grew the fastest pace in the history of the country. So between 1865 and 1898. Wheat crops increased by 256%, corn - by 222%, coal mining - 800%, and the total length of railway tracks is 567%. The dominant form of business organization has become a corporation. By the beginning of the twentieth century, income per capita and the amount of industrial products in the United States became the highest in the world. The shower income in the United States twice has exceeded German and French and 50% - British. In the era of the technological revolution, businessmen built new industrial cities in Northeast new industrial cities with city-forming factories and factories, which worked workers from different countries of Europe. Multimillioners, such as John Rockefeller, Andrew Melon, Andrew Carnegie, John Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, Family Astorov, acquired a reputation of robber baron. The workers began to unite in then small trade unions, such as the American Federation of Labor.

USA Prior to World War II (1890-1914)

USA between world wars (1918-1941)

Main article: History of the United States (1918-1945)

"Spardy" (1922-1929)

Avenue or prosperity is called the period of economic lifting in the United States in the 1920s. In the literature, under the epoch, "Spuri" most often imply unhealthy, dubious prosperity. Post-war America went to leaders in terms of economic growth, thereby even more hardening their leading positions in the world. By the end of the 20s, America produced almost as many industrial products as the rest of the world. The salary of the average workformer increased by 25%. The unemployment rate did not exceed 5%, and in some periods even 3%. Flower consumer loan. Prices were maintained at a stable level. The pace of economic development of the United States remained the highest in the world.

After graduating from the second presidential period of Woodrow Wilson, the Republicans came to power for 12 years: Warren Garding (1921-1923), then after his death Calvin Kulidge (1923-1929) and Herbert Gouver (1929-1933). The US population is tired of progressive reforms, and therefore the transition to conservatism was as never before. The Republicans during this period saw their main goal: 1. Stability, 2. Ensuring reliable economic indicators, 3. Help firms with the organization of their activities, the opening of foreign markets for them.

However, the period of economic boom began very unpleasant: government orders and overseas demand for American goods decreased. The soldiers who returned from the fronts could not find a job. The number of unemployed from 0.5 million increased to 5 million. In 1920, 18 amendment to the Constitution was entered into force - dry law. The smuggling of alcohol and the production of mogon at home began. In this regard, in 1920-21. There was a decline in the economy and only 1923 began with the process of healing.

The reasons for the rise of the American economy see in strengthening American imperialism, the US exit to the leading position in international politics and their transformation into the financial center of the world. Having one disposal of considerable funds, American monopolies successfully updated their fixed capital, built new plants and factories. In 1924, a pressure plan was adopted to restore the economy of Germany. The United States acted as the initiator. Germany highlighted the loan, a large part of which was provided by US banks. The desire of the United States contributes to the economic stability of Europe due to the desire to win new markets for the sale of American goods, as well as the desire to prevent the dissemination of the communist ideology. At the same time, in 1921, the United States provided Soviet Russiawhere the hunger was raging, charitable assistance. By 1929, the total amount of US exports was in monetary terms 85 million dollars.

President Garding formed the Cabinet of Ministers from prominent financiers, millionaires and people in economics. In 1921-1932, the post of Minister of Finance USA held Multimillionaire E. Melon. On his initiative, the tax rate on incomes exceeding $ 1 million was reduced to 66-50%, and in 1926 and at all up to 20%. Military time laws adopted to control the price level were canceled. Corporations have ceased to use antitrust laws that were actually annulled by the Supreme Court through various explanations and interpretations. At the same time, the persecution of trade unions and their number by 1930 decreased by 1.5 times. In 1925, Calvin Kulidge said: "The business of America is a business," that internal politics Meaning the principles of Laissez-Faire, which opened freedom of action for businessmen and guaranteed them from the state intervention in the activities of the private sector of the economy.

High protectionist customs rates of the late XIX century were returned, which announced one of the fundamentals of prosperity. The national debt decreased, taxes dropped.

During the years of prosperity, an increase in income per capita and production efficiency led to 40% of GNP growth. Installed in the country highest level Life in the world, with low unemployment, low inflation and low interest rates on loans. Industrial production as a whole increased by 1929 by 72%. Especially successfully developed the production of consumer goods. The impulse for its development was the widespread spread of electrical energy. Electrified residents of Americans began to be equipped with household appliances - radios, refrigerators, etc. By the end of the 1920s, most industrial enterprises switched to electricity.

During the presidency of Kulija, extremely low purchasing prices for agricultural raw materials were established to be used in industry. Capital concentration occurred mainly in electric power industry, automotive, radio and developing film industry. US National Wealth by 1928 reached $ 450 billion.

Large business has become more larger. Corporations as "General Motors", "Chrysler", "General Electric", Yu-Es Reber and others came to the fore. Increasing the release of goods and capturing sales markets, such companies received more and more profit, which went to further development and expansion of production capacity. As a result, even more products were made, which were eagerly bought by consumers. In the 1920s, the United States became the world's largest lender and increased the share of loans provided by 58%.

The symbol of America of the 1920s. It is possible to consider Henry Ford and its Ford model T, the first mass car in world History. it vehicle It was available to many, since the price was less than 300 dollars, and the average annual earnings of the industrial worker was 1,300 dollars. As a result, the car stopped being luxurious and turned into a means of movement. In the 1920s. Car park grew by 250%, and by 1929 exceeded 25 million cars, despite the fact that the US population at that time was 125 million people.

The development of the automotive industry contributed to: the development of infrastructure (construction and development of roads, hotels, gas station, fast power points). Legislative acts 1916, 1921 and 1925. Provided the creation of a nationwide network numbered highway. By 1929, 250,000 miles of modern highways were built - 1.5 times more than existed for 20 years earlier; an increase in American exports, since the car has become the main export product; the development of the chemical, steel industry (production per year increased by 20%), the fuel and energy complex (oil production increased by 1.5 times), production of glass, rubber, etc.; The emergence of new jobs: each 12th worker was busy in the automotive industry; Development of conveyor production (this allowed capitalists to reduce the number of workers, leaving only the most endless and able-bodied, which received a higher salary).

In general, the 1920s is the time of formation of a consumer society. An ordinary American subjected to massive impact on the part of producers of goods: he was constantly deposited by calls to buy and buy even more. In this regard, modern advertising began to develop. Manufacturers did everything to make the buyer not to postpone the money in a long box, but immediately spend them. Those who did not have the amount with themselves, was offered to buy in installments. A concept appeared - life on credit, when most of the cars, refrigerators, radio receivers became similarly acquired. However, the problem of uneven income distribution was not taken into account: two thirds of American families were not able to acquire even essential items.

Part of the profits of the monopolies turned into securities (shares), which absorbed unallocated income. Shares were valued because they bought them, and they could be earned. In the country advertised light ways to wealth through stocks. And by 1929, at least 1 million Americans played on the stock exchange, who, invested all their limited funds in the purchase of shares, waited for success. The Chairman of the Finance Committee "General Motors" J. RESCOB argued in those years that if saving $ 15 a week and to buy shares for this money, after 20 years it will be possible to accumulate capital of 80,000. Winners of securities climbed into huge debts and actively used loans.


For the first time in the American history of residents in cities, it became more than in rural areas, which as a result led to the emergence of urban agglomerations (so on. A decline of rural population in the decade of avenue was 6.3 million people).

By the end of 1929, the United States produced 5.4 million cars annually. The US share accounted for 48% of the industrial production of the entire capitalist world - 10% more than the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Japan combined. The lion's share of production fell on large corporations that can be called the creators of prosperity. The volume of production increased by 4.5 times, and the total market value tripled. The development of the US economy has not been permanent: in 1924 and 1927. There were minor, short-term decals. But each time the American economy continued to develop with a new force.

However, in 1929, the Great Depression began at the end of October and after 4 years the United States lay in economic ruins. Life on credit did not lead to an infinite and unhindered growth. In the banking sector in the 1920s, 5,000 banks were closed. The level of industrial production fell by a third, unemployment grew by 20%. The decline in agriculture has notes in 1921. Problems were in the international arena: persistently achieved european powers Repayment of debt (in total country, the Entente owed about 20 billion dollars), the Americans contributed to the increase in customs duties to European goods.

At the same time, during the period of prosperity, such industries as coal, lightning (shoe, food and textile) industry, shipbuilding did not develop properly. Coal mining decreased by 30%. The economic boom led to the overproduction crisis: by 1929 the market was filled with various goods, but these products were no longer demand.

Great Depression and "New Course"

The Great Depression in the United States began with stock exchange collapse at the end of 1929 and lasted before entering into the second world War. Split deflation made the production of goods unprofitable. As a result, the production was reduced, and at the same time unemployment increased dramatically, from 3% in 1929. It rose to 25% in 1933 in rural areas of the Great Plains there was a drought, which, in combination with flaws in agricultural practice, led to extensive soil erosion , caused an ecological catastrophe. Cities for several years poured dust storms. The population, losing housing and livelihoods in the dusty boiler, was migrated further to the West, mainly in California, taking care of any low-paid job and knocking down the level of wages, and without that short because of the economic crisis. Local authorities were looking for a way out of the situation in the deportation of illegal immigrants from Mexico. In the American south, the collapse was experiencing a fragile economy. Rural inhabitants migrated to the north in search of work in industrial centers, in particular, Detroit. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe Great Lakes, farmers, suffering from lowering prices for their products, borrowed courts about private bankruptcies.

From the US, the crisis has spread to the rest of the capitalist world. Industrial production decreased by 46%, in the UK by 24%, in Germany by 41%, in France by 32%. Entry courses of industrial companies fell in the United States by 87%, in the UK by 48%, in Germany by 64%, in France by 60%. Colossal sizes reached unemployment. According to official data, in 1933 in 32 capitalist countries, there were 30 million unemployed, including 14 million in the United States. These circumstances demanded state intervention in the economy, using the methods of state impact on natural processes in capitalist economic in order to avoid shocks, which accelerated the intelligence of monopolistic capitalism to state-monopolistic capitalism.

In 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt came to power in the United States, a candidate from the Democratic Party, who proposed the American people "New Course," as he was subsequently called his policy. Republicans, who were accused of not in the offensive of the economic crisis, then in the inability to cope with him, in the presidential election of 1932 they suffered a crushing defeat and could later take a white house for many years. The success of the "New Course" was such that Roosevelt became the only one in the history of the US President who was re-elected four times in a row, and he remained in power to his very death in 1945. Although many measures of his administration were subsequently recognized as controversial, a number of innovations of this The period, for example, the Social Insurance Program, the Federal Corporation for Investigation of Deposit and the Securities and Exchange Commission operate in the United States so far. The most successful initiative of President Roosevelt is considered to be the assistance of the unemployed, which by order of the federal government attracted to work in the civilian corps of environmental protection and a number of other government services.

Although the measures taken by the Roosevelt administration made it possible to prevent further collapse of production or at least facilitated the consequences of the economic crisis for the wide masses of the population, ultimately the Great Depression ended in America only with the beginning of World War II. The administration began financing military orders, while the production of civilian products has declined sharply, and its consumption has become quoted. This allowed the economy to cope with difficulties. From 1939 to 1944 Production has grown almost twice. Unemployment fell from 14% in 1940 to less than 2% in 1943, although labor resources grew by 10 million people.

World War II (1939-1945)

As in the period of World War I, the United States did not enter the second world war for a long time. However, in September 1940, the United States under the Lend-Lisa program provided assistance to the UK weapons, after the occupation of France, fought alone with Nazi Germany. The United States also supported China, who led the war with Japan and declared an embargo for oil supplies to Japan. After the German attack on the USSR in June 1941, the Land Lisa program was distributed to the USSR.

On December 7, 1941, Japan unexpectedly attacked the American Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, justifying his actions with references to the American embargo. The next day, the United States declared the war of Japan. In response to this, Germany declared the US War.

It is paradoxical that the defeat of Nazi Germany increased the international status of America, although she did not play a decisive role in the military victory over Hitlerism. The merit of achieving this victory should be recognized as by the Stalinist Soviet Union, the odious opponent of Hitler.

The first settlers on the territory of the current North America appeared another 14 thousand years ago. However, the United States formed and became a discovery for Europeans only a few centuries ago. In the prehistoric period, the mainland was inhabited by disassembled tribes, and in the XI century N.E. North America's shores reached the Scandinavian navigator Leif Ericsson. Per a large number of Growing vine grapes On the mainland, he called him wine.

However, the official opener of America for Europeans is considered to be Christopher Columbus - an outstanding navigator, which at the end of the 15th century landed on Puerto Rico Island, as well as on the Islands of West Indies in the Atlantic Ocean. Shortly after the opening of the new light, the first European colonizers appeared on the mainland. At this region of wealth and abundance claimed primarily England. The first constant English colony was formed in 1607 For a few years, Puritan arrived, which founded Plymouth colony.

In the XVIII century, the colonists arrived from different European countries. By the time the British already founded 13 colonies on the Atlantic coast. The Northern Region of America, that is, Canada was controlled by the French, with whom the British were organized for a long time about territorial issues. By the end of the century, England controlled the entire continent. IN 1776 year during the reign of the first president of J. Washington in the USA happened significant eventNamely, the declaration of independence was signed. The main author of the document was T. Jefferson.

From this period, a new stage of the country's development began, already as an independent state. Thomas Jefferson became the third US president and conducted a number of serious reforms. So, for example, in 1803 The year he bought Louisiana from France, thereby almost having increased the territory of the country. IN early XIX. century young country mired in contradictions. The question of the abolition of slavery was most acute, since according to the independence declaration, "all people are born equal."

This question in the country managed to resolve A. Lincoln, who became the 16th President of America. Civil War (1861-1865) I put an end to slavery and connected all the states into a single whole. In a few years, the United States has already been one of the leading industrial powers. However, the rapid economic growth had its "pitfalls". Large companies began to unite into trusts, trying to create a monopoly on the market. Then, the federal government had to introduce a number of new laws limiting trade.

The beginning of the XIX century was marked by the First World War. Despite the efforts of President V. Wilson to preserve neutrality, in 1917 The United States still had to participate in the war. IN 1929 The stock market collapsed and the great depression began, which lasted almost 10 years. This economic crisis touched upon the whole world, but the most significantly USA, Canada and European powers.

IN 1939 The next war broke out in Europe - the Second World War. US again announced its neutrality, but in 1941 Year after the defeat of the Pearl Harbor base, they entered the war against Japan and its allies. The post-war period was noted in tense relations with the Soviet Union. It was the so-called "Cold War". IN 1969 For the first time, a spacecraft on the moon with N. Armstrong was launched on board.

At the end of the fifteenth century (1492), the continent in the Caribbean was discovered by the Marigold Christopher Columbus. The unexplored mainland began to master and colonize European countries, first Spain and then the United Kingdom. These events are the beginning of the history of the USA.

For aborigines, colonization turned into a disaster. With the advent of Europeans, the culture and lifestyle of the indigenous population became inevitably. At the same time, alien conquerors brought numerous diseases to the continent, to which the locals did not have immunity. And for the first 150 years of joint residence with strangers a huge number of Indians died. Previously unknown infectious diseases were deprived of life 95 % the original population.

The city of San Augustine became the first European settlement on the continent (1565 years). Especially major success in conquering new lands managed to achieve England. It was subject to large territories on the east coast of the ocean. In the first century, America's development life in the colonies was at the stage of formation and was not too conflict. But at the end of the eighteenth century, the movement caused by discontent with the English leadership by discontent with the king's policies. The excessive oppression of England in the subjects of the colonies became a reason for the beginning of the armed struggle for their independence.

The first continental congress gathered at the beginning september 1774 The year, made several petitions to the English king. In them, congressmen expressed the desire of representatives of the colonies living in the field, pre-coordinate excessive taxes with them. But the British government categorically did not agree with the fair demands of the colonists and sent mercenaries to the American continent. The conflict between the metropolitus and the colonies broke out with the new force by turning into hostilities continued with 1774 years to 1776.

10 may 1775 The CONTENTAL Congress, the second in a row, was gathered again. For him, the current situation was a good reason for taking the role of government. By his decision, American militia detachments were created on the territory of the colonies. The commander-in-chief appointed George Washington. In the same month, Congress put forward a proposal for refusing to the oath of loyalty to the British king.

The Americans came to the conclusion that War with the British and at the same time be the colony of England is not possible. In the middle may Important decisions were made to eliminate all the old forms of colonial power and the creation of new revolutionary authorities with powers to adopt a democratic constitution.

The Special Committee at the head of Thomas Jefferson prepared a project called the Declaration of Independence, and presented it to Congress. Most congressmen approved the document, and he was adopted 4 july 1776 of the year. For the first time, the colonies were documented by the United States of America. The adoption of the declaration has become a universal holiday of a new country. A B. 1883 Europe recognized the United States by an independent sovereign state.

The United States is a pretty young country, and Americans are one of the youngest nations in the world. Nevertheless, American history is interesting and saturated. All learning english It will be useful to have an idea about it, especially if you are going to work, live or.

America before the opening of Europeans

The first people appeared on the territory of the modern United States about 13 thousand years ago, when Bering Strait between Alaska and Asia was either a frozen or got it. These people formed broken and warring tribes and became ancestors of American Indians.

First America opened Icelandic Viking Leif Ericsson in another 1000 of our era. He even tried to colonize new lands, but the colonies did not fit. The opening of Ericsson did not have a significant impact on the history of the local population.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus re-opened America for Europeans. This fact has already turned the fate of the continent, Europe and the whole world. The colonization of America began in 1565 from Spanish colonies in Florida. Then the British, French and other Europeans began to arrive at the new continent.

English colony

In 1607, on the territory of America, the first successful English colony - Jamestown appeared in the province of Virginia. She sponsored the founded London Virginia company. Before it, the British tried twice to colonize the coast of North America, but unsuccessfully: the colonies did not survive because of the raids of the Indians.

The village of Jamestown quickly developed thanks to tobacco plantations. By 1620, about a thousand people lived in it. But the relations of the colonists with local Indians deteriorated greatly due to the seizure of land for plantations. In 1622, the Truthing tribe arranged a massacre in the city, in which about a third of the entire population of Jamestown died. The colony managed to recover after the attack, making several response strikes.

An even more successful, and the most importantly for the history of the US colony became Plymouth, also known as The Old Colony - an old colony. It was founded by the famous peeligrim fathers who arrived on the American coast on the Maiflauer ship. This event is considered one of the most significant in the history of the country, since precisely from Plymouth began the purposeful colonization of the continent of the British. Pilgrim fathers laid the foundations of American democracy, civil liberties and traditions. And their blood today flows in tens of millions of modern Americans.

Pilgrims were English puritans, dissatisfied with the fact that the Anglican Church is inclined to Catholicism. They wanted to create a democratic colony with their own church next to Jamestown. After a heavy two-month swimming, the ship sailed to the shores of America, but much north of the planned item due to an error in building a course. The immigrants discussed the situation and decided to create a "Maiflauer Agreement", in which they expressed their intention to establish an independent colony independent from Virginia.

The first years for pilgrims were heavy, half of the settlers died in the first winter. One of the local Indians helped the colonists: he learned to grow pumpkin and maize, catch local fish and game. In many ways, thanks to him, the colony survived and began to develop. The following year, Governor Bradford announced Thanksgiving, in which the settlers celebrated their success and thanked God and Indians. This tradition spread to other colonies and later became the national holiday of the United States.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, the British have already founded thirteen British colonies in North America: Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Georgia and others. All of them were quite fragmented, different on national composition, religion and culture. In some, the English Catholics settled, the Germans came to others or French Huguenots.

The United Kingdom tried to fully control the economy of American colonies and supplied industrial goods in exchange for local resources, being completely disinterested in the development of industry in America. Nevertheless, the colonies have successfully developed in the industrial field and found new markets for marketing manufactory goods.

The United Kingdom tried to ban the colonies to build workshops and engage in foreign trade. The American society has become discontent with colonial politics and felt the need for independence.

War for independence

Back in 1754, Benjamin Franklin created a draft Union of English Colonies in America with its own government. He suggested that the UK appoint his president to keep his power to the metropolis. But London did not like this initiative.

In 1773, the Americans held a protest in Boston "Tea Law", which British Parliament adopted shortly before that. This law violated the rights of colonists, as it increased the duties on British tea. In response, the Americans destroyed the British cargo with tea. This event has become known as the "Boston Tea Party" and served as a joke for the war of independence.

In 1774, the first continental congress of the English colonies was collected in Philadelphia. In it, George Washington took part in it. The delegates formulated the requirements in the UK, but London responded sharply and demanded to completely obey. The Americans realized that it was time to fight for independence, using the basic force - unity.

In 1776, the British colonies created the continental army and appointed the General of Washington. So the war began for the independence, which in American literature is more often called American Revolution - American revolution. The Congress convened for the second time adopted the Declaration of Independence, which was based on the Constitution of the Future US.

The British king sent troops to America to suppress the uprising. The British managed to take New York and Philadelphia. At first, the Americans had difficulty, they lost battles and retreated. The first victory to the colonists went to the battle of Saratog. Then the Americans have enlisted by the support of France and Spain, thanks to which they got an advantage.

The British captured Georgia and Charleston, but could not move deep into, while maintaining control only over the port cities. The Americans launched a successful partisan war, thanks to which the British and loyalists won, who wanted to preserve the dependence on the metropolis. In 1781, the British fleet was trapped in Chesapeake Gulf and surrendered to Washington. By that time, the UK had no longer supported the war.

In 1782, the British House of Commons voted for the cessation of war. The United Kingdom began negotiations with the colonies, following the results of which he concluded the world and recognized the independence of the United States of America. The United States refused to complaints about Canada and the West Coast of Mississippi.

US expansion

After the war of independence, the state borders took place in the Great Lakes in the north, the Mississippi River in the West and Spanish Florida in the south. Northwestern territories switched to the United States in 1795 after the signing of a peace treaty with Indians.

America began an active period of expanding their lands. New country explained his expansionism in the winged expression Manifest Destiny - Explicit destination. The idea of \u200b\u200bGodbragurance was an American excuse for their ambitions to distribute the territory of the United States to the very Pacific Ocean. Indians were difficult to confront Americans, since the United Kingdom stopped supporting the local population.

In 1803, the Americans tested a successful deal called Louisiana purchase: they acquired a huge territory from France, at which Arkansas, Oklahoma, Iowa, Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas and others are now located. The shores of the Mississippi River were fully transferred to the United States.

The Americans left the cherished Eastern lands, crossed Mississippi and searched for new regions for life. They mastered the Great Plains, Oregon Forest Maces, Steppe, Texas, Rich California Lands. On the continent, the entire caravans from the vans drawn by bulls were kicked. California Golden Fever increased the influx of immigrants.

In 1845, Mexican Texas moved to the United States. In 1846, the United States declared war in Mexico, defeated the Mexican army and took the capital of the country. Mexicans had to cede almost half of the territory of their state, part of Arizona and New Mexico.

Civil War

In the southern US states in the 18-19 centuries, the slavement system flourished. Descendants of blacks forcibly exported from Africa worked as slaves on plantations. To the second half of the 19th century, a significant part of the national wealth of the United States was based on slave labor.

At the same time in the northern part of the country there was no slavery. Most runaway slaves were sent to it. In 1850, the US Congress adopted a new law that binding all the American population, including residents of the Nordic States, to participate in the capture of runaway slaves. The movement of Americans against this law turned into motion for the abolition of slavery. President Lincoln came to power, who announced that new states would be free from slavery. Between the North and South, which by that time became separate economic regions, was agreed by serious contradictions, which led to the US civil war.

Civil War began in 1861. 24 northern non-workers united in the Union, and 11 of the slave-owned southern states formed a confederation. The Union was initially in more favorable terms: 23 million people lived on its territory, almost the entire industry of the country and most of the bank deposits were located.

The pretext for the war was the battle for the Fort Sumter in Charleston Bay: confederates attacked the fort, opened fire and captured it. This allowed Lincoln to declare the collection of the army. South also began calling volunteers.

Maintenance martialctions Passed in the territory of Virginia. The first time the Confederation was leading, there were excellent commanders on her side. Southerners won the battle of Bull-RAS, then captured Washington. In July 1863, a turning point arrived in the war: the army of confederates lost in the battle of Gettisberg. From this point on, the union went better: the Army of Northerners was able to cut off Texas, Louisiana and Arkansas from other parts of the Confederation. In 1865, the confederation lost the capital, and in a few days capitulated.

Losses in the Civil War were huge: on each side, several hundred thousand people were killed on each side. The south was completely ruined and destroyed. After the war, slavery in the United States was canceled: the relevant amendment to the Constitution appeared in 1865.


The period of recovery of the country - in particular, its southern part - lasted for more than twenty years after the war. He is known as the era of reconstruction. At this time, the American Constitution was supplemented by several amendments, which expanded the rights of the black population. Reconstruction touched upon public and managerial changes in the south. For example, the law on Homested contributed to the development of the farm.

In 1877, the democratic and republican parties of the United States, which represented the rights of the South and the North, respectively, made a number of concessions to each other. Republicans brought federal troops from the southern states and adopted laws on the restrictions of Afro-Americans. The current president from the Republican Party, Rutherford Hayes promised not to run for a second term. Northerners volunteered to help in building railway Through Texas and industrialize the southern states. Democrats, in turn, have pledged to respect the rights of blacks and recognize Heis to the legitimate president. This oral agreement is called a compromise of 1877. It officially ended the reconstruction period.

After Civil War And the US reconstruction began to actively develop. This period is called the gilded age. Many economists and historians believe that it was at that time a modern American economy was laid. Industry I. agriculture Growing a huge pace, large corporations appeared, the population increased rapidly, immigrants came from other countries.

At the end of the 19th century, the US shower income exceeded British, German and French. In the north-east of the country, large industrial cities with huge plants were formed. There were trade unions workers, including the American Federation of Labor. It was at this time that the Dynasty of Multimillioners - Rockefeller, Astorov, Carnegie.

Gold plated age in the United States ended in 1893, when the country covered the economic crisis. In 1896, one of the most dramatic American presidential elections occurred: the Republican McKinley defeated Democrat William Jennigs Brian with a transcendent of 4.3% of the vote. So started new period In the history of the United States, which is called the era of progression.

USA in the 20th century

The era of progression lasted until 1920. At that time middle class And US social bases differed by high political activity, which led to several major reforms - for example, the introduction of income tax, the provision of votes to women, the emergence of ships for minors, modernization of the education system.

During this period, the economy continued to actively develop. There appeared conveyor production, which stimulated the increase in the middle class. Trade unions have become an influential force in politics. By the territory of the United States joined the Hawaiian Islands and other lands after the war with Spain.

In 1917, the American Congress decided to enter into the First World War and declare war in Germany. American troops Antena's army replenished and helped to defeat Germany, which by the time the forces were on the outcome. The United States considered the Versailles Mirny Treaty unfair and concluded a separate agreement with Germany.

In 1920, a dry law was adopted in the United States - a ban on the production, transportation and sale of alcohol. He acted 13 years and helped reduce the level of consumption of alcohol in the country almost twice. But the law was the negative sides. A lot of criminal organizations appeared, which were engaged in bootleg. Among politicians and policemen began to flourish corruption. In 1933, the dry law was canceled.

The period from 1922 to 1929 is called the prosperity era - Prosperity. The economy continued to develop, wages grew, the states went to the leading position in the world. Large business continued to evolve. During this period in the United States, consumption society has been formed. The symbol of America of these years is Henry Ford with his Ford and Ford Model T, which has become the first mass car in the world. The automotive industry developed a particularly high rate during this period.

In 1929, the Great Depression began in America - a deep economic crisis affected by many countries. Due to a strong decline in prices for goods, production has become unprofitable and began to shrink. Remembered unemployment. The drought in the Great Plains led to a cripplence and an ecological catastrophe, which became known as a dusty boiler. For several years, the US Prairie regularly covered the strongest dust storms.

In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt came to power, which offered a new policy, which was called the "new course". Many presidential decisions were controversial, but in general he was able to stabilize the economy. He began the fight against unemployment, restored industry, adopted a number of labor laws and pensions, stimulated housing construction and supported the culture. Roosevelt was so popular in the people, which was elected four times in a row.

The United States participated in World War II and assisted Great Britain, China and the USSR. In 1945, Japan refused to capitulate, and American bomber threw off on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombsWhat caused huge destruction. This is the only example of the combat use of nuclear weapons.

From the end of World War II and until 1995, the United States was in the Cold War of the USSR. Both states fought for world influence and conducted arms race, periodically entering dangerous conflicts.

IN newest Story US One of the most significant events remains the terrorist attack on September 11, 2001 - the largest in the history of mankind. Terrorists seized passenger aircraft and sent them to the World Wide Towers shopping center In New York, as a result of which almost three thousand people died.

Now the position of the President in the USA occupies Donald Trump, a representative of the Republican Party.

US states on the map

USA map online

What is "state" and how many of them in the USA?

The United States of America is a federation combining 50 states ( states of USA).

The state is the main state-territorial unit of the United States. Since 1959 there are 50 of them. Each of them has its own flag and motto.
Word "STATE" (staff) appeared in the colonial period (approximately in 1648). This word was sometimes called individual colonies. It began to use it everywhere after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The state has its own constitution, legislative, executive and judicial authorities.

Each state of the United States is divided into districts - administrative-territorial units of the second level. They are smaller than the state, but large than the city, or equal to it. The exception is five districts (borough) as part of the city of New York. According to the Census Bureau, there are 3,140 districts in the country.

The third level of administrative-territorial division is city municipalities and Townships (English. TOWNSHIP), which manage local life settlements. According to the National League of Cities, in 2002 there were 19,429 city municipalities and 16,504 Townships.

50 US states Borrowed their names from many languages. The names of half of them came from the languages \u200b\u200bof North American Indians. The remaining states received names from European languages: Latin, English and French.

In addition to states, the country includes and are managed by administrative-territorial units with status federal District or federal territory - District Columbia and a number of islands.

District of Columbia (The District of Columbia, D.C.) is not included in any of the states. Just in it is the capital of Washington.

The US island territories include: Puerto Rico, American Virgin Islands, Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, American Samoa.

51st state

There is such a term as the "51st state". This term is called territories that claim to receive the status of the United States in addition to the existing fifty states. Among possible candidates for the title "Fifty-first state" - DC, North Virginia, Puerto Rico. Also repeatedly raised the question of providing state status of New York.

There is one curious fact in history. In 2012, the Republican presidential presidential candidate Nut Gingrich, in support of American colonization of the Earth's satellite, said: "When we have 13,000 Americans living on the Moon, they will be able to apply to become a state." However, in accordance with Article II of the Cosmos Treaty, the outer space, the moon and other celestial bodies are not subject to national assignment, or by proclaiming sovereignty on them, or by using or occupying, or any other ways.

As part of the United States

In order for any territory to become part of the United States, a long procedure is required. The territory must take its own constitution. The Constitution should satisfy the US Congress, which decides on the adoption of the territory in the United States.

States cannot leave the United States unilaterally.

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