Карта на проходження з покемонами

Pixelmon PE - мод для гри Minecraft PE який дозволить додати в грі покемонів і все, що з ними пов'язано, встановивши даний мод ми можете стати справжнім тренером покемонів і з головою зануритися в світ Pokemon. Pixelmon PE є передовим покемон модом для Minecraft Pocket Edition. Незважаючи на те, що в даний час, він знаходиться в стадії бета-версії, він має величезну кількість функцій і багато з них працюють досить добре. Ви можете ловити покемонів, прокачувати їх і навіть влаштовувати дуелі, що б дізнатися який покемон найсильніший.

Для перегляду детальної інформації про вашому покемонів ви можете використовувати Покедекс - Pokedex. Навіть той факт, що він все ще знаходиться в бета-тестуванні це вже досить хороший мод, на який варто звернути вашу увагу.

Початок подорожі в світ Pokemon

Після того, як ви в перший раз запустите гру, з модом Pixelmon PE для майнкрафт ПЕ вам належить вибрати свого першого покемона, в нашому випадку це буде бульбазавр.


Що б стати справжнім тренером покемонів, вам спочатку треба зловити обзавестися деякою кількістю покеболов, в які ви надалі будете ловити інших покемонів.

  • Покебол (510) - 1 верхня частина покебола + 1 Редстоун + 1 нижня частина покебола
  • Верхня частина покебола (513) - 3 червоних апрікорна
  • Нижня частина покебола (514) - 4 залізних злитка
  • Ультрабол (511) - 1 верхня частина ультрабола + 1 Редстоун + 1 нижня частина покебола
  • Верхня частина ультрабола (514) - 2 чорних апрікорна + 1 жовтий апрікорн
  • Мастербол (512) - 1 верхня частина мастербола + 1 покебол + 1 нижня частина покебола
  • Верхня частина мастербола (515) - 2 рожевих авпрікорна + 3 фіолетових апрікорна + 1 залізний злиток

ловля покемонів

Покемони різних типів будуть мешкати по всьому ігровому світу, знайти будь-якого з них не складе особливих труднощів. Вам треба просто запастися великою кількістю покеболов, причому різних типів. Вам на шляху будуть зустрічатися різні покемони, але зверніть увагу на їх рівень, якщо він досить високий, то зловити його звичайним покеболом не вийде, для цього використовуйте ультрабол ( рецепти крафта вище).

Після того, як ви знайшли покемона, якого хочете зловити, просто візьміть покебол або ультрабол в руки і тапніте їм по покемону.

битви покемонів

У правому верхньому куті екрану буде знаходиться меню, в якому будуть видні покеболи з усіма спійманими вами покемонами. Якщо ви хочете битися з будь-яким покемоном, візьміть в руки будь-який покебол і тапніте їм по покемону з яким хочете битися. Після цього в нижній частині екрана з'явиться бойове меню, за допомогою якого ви можете управляти своїм вихованцем.

  • Атака - атакувати ворожого покемона
  • Покемон - переключитися на іншого покемона
  • Рюкзак - відкриває рюкзак
  • Бігти - уникнути битви
Як тільки ви натиснете кнопку `Атака` ваш покемон вступить в бій, але врахуйте, що якщо рівень вашого вихованця буде нижче рівня супротивника, то ви програєте і ваш покемон зникне, до тих пір поки ви його не вилікуєте за допомогою Покедекса (Pokedex).

Покедекс і Покецентр

Якщо ви програєте битви і вам треба буде вилікувати свого покемона, тоді вам обов'язково знадобиться Покецентр - це блок, який ви можете Крафт і використовувати для лікування ваших покемонів в моді Pixelmon PE.

Покецентр (23) - 7 залізних злитків + 1 скляний блок + 1 червоний камінь

Якщо ви хочете отримати інформацію про будь-якому, своєму покемон, тоді вам обов'язково знадобиться покедекс. Що б використовувати його, просто візьміть в руки і тапніте їм по будь-якому вашому покемон, після чого з'явиться вся інформація про нього.

Покедекс (501) - 2 залізних злитка + 3 скляних блоку + 4 Редстоуна

прокачування покемонів

У моді присутні предмети за допомогою яких ви можете прокачувати своїх вихованців, але на жаль через те, що мод знаходиться в бета версії, вони не працюють, але оскільки вони є, ми зобов'язані про них сказати.
  • Рідкісна цукерка (502)
  • Громової камінь (503)
  • Водний камінь (504)
  • Місячний камінь (505)
  • Листяний камінь (506)
  • Вогняний камінь (507)
  • Камінь тіні (508)
  • Камінь світанку (509)

Рецепти крафта предметів

Крім рецептів крафта, які ми зазначили вище, в грі є ще кілька предметів, які можна Крафт і які обов'язково знадобляться вам в процесі гри.
  • Червоні апрікорни (523) - розплавте червоний бонгурі
  • Чорні апрікорни (527) - розплавте чорний бонгурі
  • Фіолетові апрікорни (526) - розплавте фіолетовий бонгурі
  • Жовті апрікорни (524) - розплавте жовтий бонгурі
  • Рожеві апрікорни (528) - розплавте рожевий бонгурі
  • Червоний бонгурі (177)
  • Жовтий бонгурі (200)
  • Блакитний бонгурі (179)
  • Чорний бонгурі (180)

1. Скачайте і розпакуйте архів за інструкцією;
2. Підключіть файл модифікації Pixelmon PE (10) .js і текстури через

скачати мод на покемонів на майнкрафт на андроїд

Pixelmon Johto is a recreation project to rebuild the Kanto and Johto regions from the Pokemon games, and merge this with the Pixelmon mod. The map loosely follows the story, mainly intended as a free-roaming sandbox of your favorite childhood games.

The aim of the map follows that of the game. Go through Johto, collecting all 8 badges, and battling the Elite Four. From there, you can access Kanto, and defeat the original 8 gym leaders. After that, you make your way up Mt. Silver, and challenge the game champion, Silver. Along the way, you can pick up Pokemon eggs, sail across the water, use custom-redstoned Hidden Moves, and much much more!


Ruin of Alph:

Goldenrod City:

And more: Whirl Islands, Blackthorn City & Mt. Silver, Embedded Tower (Groudon), Mt. Silver

Map Trailer:

Pixelmon Johto Map Installation Guide:

For Singleplayer:

  • Download and install.
  • Download and install.
  • Download the map.
  • Extract file.
  • Go to% appdata%.
  • Go to .minecraft / saves folder.
  • Drag map folder into it.
  • Start minecraft.
  • Enjoy and play.

For servers:

  • Download the resources (Map, Pixelmon, Forge) above
  • Create a folder for your server, and install the Forge server to it
  • Create your run.bat file, and run your server
  • Drag the Pixelmon mod to your mods folder, and Johto save to the root folder of your server
  • Open server.properties. Change your world name to "Johto", and enable command blocks
    enable-command-block = true
    level-name = Johto
  • Port-forward, connect through Hamachi, or use some other means of connecting people to your server.
  • Log on, and the Redstone should do the rest.

Note: Do not use Cauldron! There are many glitches that interfere with the map and how it works. It is not recommended.


Hi friends! I finally can release to you the map used in the Crew Pixelmon Youtube series! This map was made to work as a mini adventure / survival map that allows players the freedom of a survival world with the quest elements of a Pokemon World. It has 9 main islands, 1 for each of the main biome types which are all connected to a large central main island. The goal of this map is to beat the Master trainers located on each island whom reward you with a badge for your efforts, similar to the games. Each island has its own town, loot, traders, trainers and secrets to find and I have tried to add as much as possible to the map that a player should be able to find anything they need with a little work! It also includes the Elite Four Island which acts as an endgame with high levelled, rare Pokemon spawning all around the island and challenging Boss trainers in the Elite Four tower to finish your adventure. Also to be found on the main island is a Department Store, filled with Shopkeepers for you to purchase items. On a side note, the custom shopkeepers seen in the youtube series require additional installation steps that will be detailed below. There is also a large power plant that has been invaded by Team Rocket which houses a Secret Shiny Lab as seen in the youtube series, filled with Shiny Pokemon trades.

This map was made to be very similar to a Pokemon adventure but not identical, the gyms aren "t prominent features and there is a slight back story but the adventure is focused more on training Pokemon than it is completing objectives. As for resources and the survival side of the map, I have made all possible efforts to add every possible thing a player needs to do within Pixelmon but I "m sorry in advance if you" re looking for the rare few items I might have missed. Pixelmon Ores and minerals can be found inside caves located on the main mountains. Apricorns are scattered around the world for the player to find also and I have added loot to find all around the world with random items such as TMs, Held Items, Healing Items etc. Most islands have food for the player to harvest but it is ultimately a finite resource in the map so I recommend creating some form of sustainable food source. For this reason I have added food to collect around the spawn area and a small amount of Food and Poke balls inside a chest in the Pokemon Lab found near spawn for players to begin their journey.

Installation instructions for the mod and custom maps can be found through googling fairly easy but for those experiencing difficulties this in my experience is the easiest installation method:

Spoiler - click to reveal

Single Player
(Alternatively the Pixelmon Launcher is usable but as I have no experience with it I will only list how I have instructed all others previously how to install)
- Its recommended to start with a clean installation of minecraft as conflicts can cause client crashes and cause the mod to not work correctly.
- Download the required forge version for the Pixelmon Mod. The 4.2.7 version the map was made on runs on forge version 1.8.9 - and can be found on the Pixelmon Official Site
- Download the Pixelmon Mod by clicking the downward arrow at the end of the same row that you downloaded forge from to begin the Pixelmon Mod download.
- Once the forge download is complete, run the download and click Install Client. Once complete your minecraft should have a selectable forge profile to use.
- Add the Pixelmon Mod to the mods folder located in your minecraft folder, if there isnt one create one and place the mod inside.
- Download the provided world files and put the folder "PixelmonAdventureMap" inside your saves file.
- In order to use the custom NPC shopkeepers mentioned above and seen in youtube videos you must do the two following things:
- Enable the use of ExternalNPCS in your config settings. This can be found by editing the mod options in pixelmon by clicking the config option and setting useExternalNPCfiles to true.
- Doing the above step will create a folder in your minecraft directory called pixelmon. Inside a folder called NPCs is created. Replace this folder with the folder provided to enable the custom shopkeepers
- The config file in the download entitled "pixelmon.hocon" contains the settings that I used for the crew server. If you wish to use that, replace the pixelmon.hocon in your minecrafts config folder with the config file provided. Please exercise caution when using custom config files as higher settings can be more taxing on low performance computers.
- In my experience most users experience client crashes if they do not increase the dedotated wam,
Google has many tutorias on how to do so, it involves editing the forge profile in the minecraft launcher on the bottom left. Then enabling jvm arguments at the bottom of the popup and changing the portion that reads "1G" to read "2G" or "3G" depending on how much you wish to allocate then saving the profile
-Run your forge profile and wait for it to load then select the world from your single player saves and enjoy!
- The WonderTrade mod and EV / IV mod seen in the Crew Pixelmon series are available from the official Pixelmon site and are both easily installable through the Pixelmon Launcher or through installing them manually.

* I can only tell you the basic setup steps for a typical pixelmon minecraft server that I would use and can not help with all server issues. These are the steps that I would typically follow with a Pixelmon server setup and errors or issues you have along the way are out of my control.
-Download the required forge version for the Pixelmon Mod. The 4.2.7 version the map was made on runs on forge version 1.8.9 -, and can be found on the Pixelmon Official Site by clicking these numbers (1.8.9 - on the corresponding row to the mod version you are using.
- Once the forge download is complete, run it and select the Install server option. Select a folder to install these files to that you can find again easily.
- Once that is complete upload those extracted files to your server base directory.
- Download the correct Pixelmon mod for the version of forge you have installed. 4.2.7 is the version recommended for this map found here Pixelmon Official Site
- Upload the Mod to a folder in your server base directory called mods. If the folder doesnt exist create one and place the mod inside.
- Download the world files provided and upload it to your servers base directory. It is named PixelmonAdventureMap by default but most servers run worlds named "world" by default. Change your server settings accordingly to load the map by default.
- In order to use the custom NPC shopkeepers mentioned above and seen in the youtube videos you must do the two following things:
- Enable the use of External NPCS in your config settings. This can be found by editing the config file for pixelmon found in the servers config folder, named pixelmon.hocon. a notepad like program is required to edit this file. the option useExternalNPCFiles will need to be set to true
- Doing the above step will create a folder in your server base directory upon startup called pixelmon. Inside the Pixelmon folder, another folder called NPCs is created. Replace this folder with the folder provided to enable the custom shopkeepers.
- The config file in the download entitled "pixelmon.hocon" contains the settings that I used for the crew server. If you wish to use that, replace the pixelmon.hocon in your servers config folder with the config file provided. Please exercise caution when using custom config files as higher settings can be more taxing on low performance servers and computers.
- The WonderTrade mod and EV / IV mod seen in the Crew Pixelmon series are available from the official Pixelmon site and are both easily installable through the Pixelmon Launcher or through installing them manually (add them to the mods folder in your base directory for multiplayer servers ).
- Given that you have done these steps and there isn "t an underlying server issue, the server should start up correctly and the map should be your default world.
- Players that wish to join your server should follow the steps listed above in the Single Player portion apart from the additional file steps (ExternalNPCS and Sidemods) and then attempt to connect to your server using the ip

This map was intended mainly for a mini series and as such does not have a huge amount of fancy builds and is primarily terrain to facilitate the Pixelmon mod as best as possible. I have considered making a 100% properly detailed adventure map for the Pixelmon mod, if any of you are interested in seeing this let me know and I may consider it! Also it is worth mentioning that the map available for public download is not 100% identical to the one seen in the Crews Videos as I have had to replace most loot items in the world and certain trades or trainers may not be identical to the videos you may have seen.

The map is free to be recorded and videos of it posted on youtube as long as this post is linked in the description for other players to find and use this map. In regards to permissions I do not give consent for you to reupload this map to any other site or take credit for any portion of this map in anyway for profit or non profit without my direct consent. Also I do not take credit for any part of the Pixelmon mod and this map was made to work alongside it. I have placed many NPCs in this world, some have custom text but some are also random default npcs that I take no credit for creating. If you wish to contact me regarding this map in any way feel free to do so here or on my twitter - @BzUrQ

I hope you all enjoy playing this map and thanks to those of you who do! Also thanks to the crew for playing this map and I appreciate all the love you have all shown on the map so far!<3 Bz

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